dinsdag 13 maart 2018

Midori Green

Midori Green is one of the most underrated Nucleic acid staining chemical. It is used in the same way as ethidium bromide (EtBr), but does not have the same disadvantages. It is used mainly in disease diagnosis and genetic research. Do you want a replacement to your ethidium bromide that has nothing but advantages? Get Midori Green now!
Nucleic Acid Stains
The purpose of nucleic acid stains is visualizing and thus showing results from an image of microscopic size of biological tissue. Ever since the 1960’s, the method of Nucleic Acid Stains has been used. There is a problem with stains, because only one in ten stains is only reasonably hazardous for people and nature. Throughout the years though, there have been several methods introduced that tried to be a good replacement for the most used chemical. But, though they were less harmful, there has never been a nucleic acid stain that has proved to be as successful as Midori Green.
Ethidium Bromide (EtBr)
The most-used nucleic acid stain chemical, rather than Midori Green, is ethidium bromide (EtBr). It is very sensitive in detecting DNA-bands on gel. Absorption maxima can actually be seen through a microscope, because it lies within the UV range. Small amounts of DNA can be detected using ethidium bromide staining. Ethidium bromide can, however, intercalate into the DNA an can interfere with replication and transcription, it is still seen as a toxic and the use of it is questioned, which opens doors for alternatives like Midori Green.
The whole goal of the development of Midori Green was to provide advantages in relation to this current staining method, which it does. The main concern was to make sure that it was a non-carcinogenic and less mutagenic. Another advantage that is provided is that it is at least as sensitive as EtBr, even small fragments are made visible. All in all, Midori Green works great as a nucleic acid staining method, has the same or better effect compared to ethidium bromide and it has a lot more advantages.